
a.k.a. Plato's Cavern, the place to sell and trade Kojima game-related items.
No ISO/ROM/CDR buying, trading or giveaways.
Please read the Rules
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Site Admin
Posts: 2947
Joined: Wed Oct 06, 2004 11:33 am
Favorite Game: Snatcher! ... no wait, Policenauts...
Kojima games owned:
PSN: Artemio
Wii Friend Code: 6335316353781527
Xbox Live: JunkerHQ
Location: Mexico


Post by Artemio »

Here are some very basic rules that MUST be followed. If you break any of these rules your post will be removed. If you make several of these infractions you risk being banned regardless of who you are.

1. No selling CD-R/Pirated media/Backups/ROMS or anything similar.
2. Leave feedback in the Feedback Forum. We all benefit from knowing how transactions worked out.
3. Please post pictures of the actual item you are selling, potential buyers will request them anyway. A name card on the background can give confidence to your buyers.
4. Please refrain from in-thread discussions in this forum. Any discussions within sale/trade threads should be related directly to the transaction, and nothing more or less.

If you're not interested in buying or trading the item(s) in the thread, then don't post. If you're wondering whether or not you should post a comment or opinion in a sale/trade thread, you probably should not. If you want to know why a person is selling something, PM (private message) or e-mail them. If you think a sale is crooked or smells funny, report it. (Borrowed form head-fi without permission)

Due to the possibility of people registering just to post in these forums, a minimum of 30 posts is required to post or reply on this forum.

These are just necessary =)
From the mathematical perspective, consciousness might be regarded as a second derivative of sensation.
-- Terrel Miedaner

[Junker HQ]
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