How did you get into snatcher

A forum for discusion, suggestions and information on any Snatcher-related material. Music, games, versions, differences and references.

Also the space for feedback regarding the Snatcher Music Arrangements section by MrRudi.
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Post by drenomus »

my first experience with Snatcher was 2 year ago, i was searching the metal gear for msx and i found the Sd-Snatcher in dsk for emulators. i downloaded and play the first week but i had to formated my computer for a virus, so i lost the game. recently, a month ago, i visited a friend and i saw that he got the Snatcher and Sega cd. so i made a iso for the game and download the emulator. but too i search the web and i found the dsk of snatcher in english for msx. i like more the version of msx, but the bad thing is that version only got 2 chapters.

¿why kojima not complete the snatcher in pc-engine and msx?
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Post by HorseFactory »

I was an avid gamer as a kid, with both an SNES and MegaDrive (Genesis) + MCD. I read some very positive reviews of Snatcher in magazines, which was rare for an MCD game; even fans of the system will admit it had a lot of dire games released. The relatively unique setting and look of the game, plus its reported dark and mature undertones instantly appealed to an eleven year old, so I made sure I picked it up.

In the last few weeks, ten years or so later and still very much into gaming, I re-played Snatcher and still enjoyed it just as much. I'm glad I played it back in the day as it helped cement Konami as one of the better developers in my mind along with a bunch of other stuff from that era like the Castlevanias and Gradius. I doubt i'd have awaited MGS and its sequels so much if I hadn't played Snatcher.
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Post by Modnar »

Im not as old as alot of you here, 17, but im one of the original sega cd snatchies( hmmm seen trekkies to many times) My whole life ive been collecting games, 3 master systems, 2 nintendos, genesis, atari, 7 gameboys(no idea) SNES!!!(fav) then my brother (6 years older) and i came along sega cd. We started collecting immediatly starting with Load Runner, Sewer Shark,Flash Back, Sonic cd, Dracula unleashed, Tomcat alley, Who shot Johnny Rock so on so forth.... so my bros birthay was coming up and i thought i would buy him some games...what did i guessed it Snatcher.... and BramStokers Dracula. I had seen Blade Runner and loved it ( STill a kid though) and i was at the time madly in love with rpgs (FF3) so i craved for rich story lines. I watched my bro play it, cause thats the way things worked out, i would watch as if it were an interactive movie and help out. As soon as it started...i became a balls dropped. I was snatched by the game(heh heh get it...) Gibson's headless corpse was one of the coolest things ive ever seen in a game and still is. Then the whole "raise your volume" part just had me hooked and happy. We would play for hours working together coming back whenever we could. Then the worst thing happened...we beat it!!!! sadness struck us like kick to the balls... our next target....Rise of the Dragon, a great game that craved my hunger. Now im on my way to collecting every piece of snatcher and policenauts version and merch i can. Sorry if theres alot of typos.
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