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Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:20 am
by akizzle
I have read them, and while we all are arguing opinions really, I just don't see the point in bashing a story - it will never be perfect, its a story for crying out loud.

Gameplay, pacing, presentation, controls -those are things that constructive criticism can fix. Obviously after playing MGS4 those topics have been improved from previous titles (don't get me wrong - when I want straight stealth I play MGS3, when I want pure simple fun I play MGS1, when I want a special type of stealth gameplay which relies on radar and corridor sneaking I play MGS2) and of course finally I play MGS4 for its completeness and innovation - again the story and gameplay may be not for everyone. But hearing such negativity, toward a subjective matter, that isn't warranted or backed up is just naive.

But to each his own I guess. I just get tired of hearing people bitch for bitching's sake. And It is dumbfounding that people exist who implore blind certainty - like there is no way but their way, their opinion, and all conclusions stemming from their thought process is gospel. I just want ppl to enjoy life and enjoy what they have/ what they play. If you don't like it, find something you do like and do it/ play it. Or make your own game, with its own story, and make millions and become a gaming icon i.e. a Hideo Kojima if you can!

Here's hoping Policenauts is released with subs this year! woohoo :mrgreen:

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:12 pm
by Commander_AK-47
I hear where you are coming from but I still think it could have been better. No amount of bitching will ever change the story, correct, but no one is going to change my opinion about how it should have gone down. I also highly doubt that you will change Dick's mind.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:15 pm
by seraphssavior
Dammit, I just want to see Liquid's story. It could be an MGS4 type control system for his Gulf War days, it could be an MGS1/2 system for his wetworks days, hell, it'd be awesome. I want to see how he meets up with his FOXHOUND.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:19 pm
by Commander_AK-47
That sound like an awesome game.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 8:37 am
by Dick Motorman
akizzle wrote:You act like you needed the second coming of Christ for the MGS series to satisfy you - if you want more innovation try portal or soon LevelHead.

And you provide little in the way of actual ways that the story could of been better. Besides stating superficial reasons that it sucked like "big boss was retconned = gay, Series had to follow a story = gay", there really isn't any bite in your arguments... If you can call them that. Although, being a critic is important to the development of the gaming industry as a whole, people who bitch do little in the way of progression in this industry.

The MGS series choose to follow a story through the input of fans, Hideo, and the industry. Get over it.

On the Gameplay side critics and constructive input helped MGS4 become accessible to more people and make it one of the most exciting action/stealth games to date.

Not everyone will enjoy the game's storyline - it is impossible. A story is much more subjective then anything else in gaming. Just know that few care. The gameplay is what pushes the industry and the series has always been on the forefront in that department.

I have a good game for you. RPG Maker for the PSOne. You can write whatever story you want.

The only time i bitched about the game in an inane manor was at the beginning of this thread, but at the same time I was bitching about it, I did bring up honest ideas. Also, it's been discussed on this bored before, with Commander ak, that a good deal of the post's I make that have this kind of bitching in them are actually in jest, and in all honestly made to rile people up. I understand that it's kind of hard to figure out what is sarcasm and what isn't sarcasm on a forum, and not only that but I have such a dry sense of humor that it only masks it even more, but I would like to know why you feel the need to attack me.
akizzle wrote:Gameplay, pacing, presentation, controls -those are things that constructive criticism can fix. Obviously after playing MGS4 those topics have been improved from previous titles (don't get me wrong - when I want straight stealth I play MGS3, when I want pure simple fun I play MGS1, when I want a special type of stealth gameplay which relies on radar and corridor sneaking I play MGS2) and of course finally I play MGS4 for its completeness and innovation - again the story and gameplay may be not for everyone. But hearing such negativity, toward a subjective matter, that isn't warranted or backed up is just naive.
You essentially just did what you say you dislike. You say that gameplay, pacing, presentation and control have all been improved but you don't go on to actually explain yourself. How dare you call other people out just because they don't like the game and accuse them of something, and then go and do it yourself. Negativity is ALWAYS warranted, if I don't like something I'm allowed to voice my opinion, if you can think mgs4 is some masterpiece handed down to you by god, then why can't I think it's a steaming pile of shit? You say yourself that it's all opinions, so how in the hell is negative opinion not 'warranted' are you trying to say what people should or should not think about a game?
akizzle wrote:But to each his own I guess. I just get tired of hearing people bitch for bitching's sake. And It is dumbfounding that people exist who implore blind certainty - like there is no way but their way, their opinion, and all conclusions stemming from their thought process is gospel. I just want ppl to enjoy life and enjoy what they have/ what they play. If you don't like it, find something you do like and do it/ play it. Or make your own game, with its own story, and make millions and become a gaming icon i.e. a Hideo Kojima if you can!

And I get sick and tire of hearing people gush over the game and think that it's completely perfect. I see far, far more people saying how amazing the game is and either not explaining their opinions or using very vague ideas like "this and that is soooo much better than before" than I do see people that dislike it not explaining their ideas. I hate it when people love it, or hate it for no apparent reason, but to honestly say that their idea's are unwarranted just because they don't reflect your own, because they are negative, is complete bullshit. I just want people to be constructive and realistic when they play a game, no game is perfect, and no game will ever be perfect, to not be able to love a game and have constructive criticism over it just makes a person a delusional moron the way I see it. Like I was saying before blind faith works both way's, but when it comes down to it, if you're allowed to love it and gush over, than I should have the right to dislike it and bitch about it. Many people felt let down by MGS4, and it seems to me that more often than not the the people that dislike it, or actually have constructive criticism are the biggest fans of all, and to tell them to go and find something else to play or do is such a disrespectful thing to say to a fan. These people are just as allowed to dislike it and voice their opinion about as you are to like it and voice yours, just like I said earlier. You sir are the naive one.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 8:51 am
by Dick Motorman
EDIT: Accidental post sorry

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:06 pm
by akizzle
Unfortunately for you, I don't need examples to prove the gameplay, pacing, etc has improve when it has OBVIOUSLY improved. I could go on and on about EVERY single improvement in the aiming, control, lack of back tracking, but it is boring. Take it as it is.

I don't think this game is perfect, none of the metal gear games are.

As you noticed it isn't easy picking up on the actual intent of people's intentions or ideas on a forum - that said, I was just defending that I thought the game's story was well done. Not that everything is perfect.

If you read what you wrote - it is just bitching. Too easy and too pointless to take seriously.

Unfortunately I have just wasted my time, now and before, addressing what I deem wasteful - time to go do something constructive besides debate about nothing.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:17 am
by Commander_AK-47
I was going to say something but now I'm just not going to get involved.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:08 pm
by Dick Motorman
akizzle wrote:Unfortunately for you, I don't need examples to prove the gameplay, pacing, etc has improve when it has OBVIOUSLY improved. I could go on and on about EVERY single improvement in the aiming, control, lack of back tracking, but it is boring. Take it as it is.

I don't think this game is perfect, none of the metal gear games are.

As you noticed it isn't easy picking up on the actual intent of people's intentions or ideas on a forum - that said, I was just defending that I thought the game's story was well done. Not that everything is perfect.

If you read what you wrote - it is just bitching. Too easy and too pointless to take seriously.

Unfortunately I have just wasted my time, now and before, addressing what I deem wasteful - time to go do something constructive besides debate about nothing.
I'm just going to let this post speak for itself.