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Blade Runner Soundtrack

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 1:28 pm
by Snake Plissken
I finally was long overdue on listening to the complete compilation. My cousin lent it to me and the wonderful sound of Vangelis filled my house!!! It's awsome, thats all I can say.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:00 pm
by Artemio
Indeed it is, which one did you listen too? (There are two CDs, Blade Runner Vangelis and Blade Runner The New American Orchestra, CD 96574 and 2292-50002-2)

I love both anyway, the one labeled 'Vangelis' is the last one and is the only complete one that has the real soundtrack for the movie. The other one is more instrumental, but with really great interpretations of the pieces in the movie.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:21 pm
by Ninja Kurosai
Don't forget about the Bootleg that was released in LA someodd years ago, which in my opinion is the best of them all. The Vangelis is also a great version, my favorite track being "Tears in Rain"

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:23 pm
by Snake Plissken
Snatcher wrote:Indeed it is, which one did you listen too? (There are two CDs, Blade Runner Vangelis and Blade Runner The New American Orchestra, CD 96574 and 2292-50002-2)

I love both anyway, the one labeled 'Vangelis' is the last one and is the only complete one that has the real soundtrack for the movie. The other one is more instrumental, but with really great interpretations of the pieces in the movie.
its an "import" album per say I got called Blade Runner: the Deck Art Definitive Collection. It's huge! My cousin is in France right now and he thought I'd like it :D Yes though I have heard both the ones mentioned above :wink: Awsome music. Have you ever heard Vangelis's "Antartica" soundtrack? The man's a genius!