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Konami's cryptic E3 message

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:32 pm
by Marc
What better way
to end your day
at Konami's media briefing collecting ...
News for a major announcement
you were not expecting.

Ideas? I doubt it's MGS4 for 360, as everyone expects that.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:43 pm
by Henry Spencer
Project S or ZOE3. :grin:

Or that new Kojima game that was kept under wraps that wasn't either Project S or ZOE3?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:17 pm
by Marc
It doubt it'll be Project S. Kojima said any game in that series won't even begin development for a while. I'd say ZOE3, or that MGS4 will be forever exclusive to PS3. It has to be something worthy of such a statement.

Edit: Apparently the big announcement was...Silent Hill 5. Wow, just collosal. Especially since it was revealed several weeks ago.

Konami's idea of big and my idea of big clearly are a little off. E3's been pretty weak so far.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:37 pm
by Missing
Saw the coverage on television and was very underwhelmed to say the least. There was almost no hype surrounding the event, and nothing spectacular or unexpecterd was revealed. Even as I watched the latest MGS4 trailer, it just lacked the kind of excitement that I was used to experiencing from E3's past (although, in part I'd say that was a result of Kojima's trailer being a little less exciting than they've been for past games). There were very little -- if any -- surprises, and by now, simply seeing new footage of the same games we've been anticipating since last year is just tedious if anything. There weren't any new games that made a huge impact for any of the consoles, which at this point is something that all three consoles needed desperately. Hopefully there will be some bigger announcements at other upcoming events (I'm curious as to what this 'E for All' will be).

And as far as MGS4 is concerned, I sadly am not as hyped as I've been for both MGS2 and MGS3. Now maybe that will turn out to be a good thing, as the game could very well blow me away in spite of short expectations, but the footage I saw in this latest trailer (as well as Kojima's introduction to said trailer) made it feel like Kojima is working strictly on auto-pilot simply to get this game released. Only the finished product can confirm that, and though I'm sure the gameplay will be as brilliant as always, Kojima's choices for how he decides to resolve the franchise is what really makes the difference. After all, I haven't invested hours of my time simply to shoot at bi-pedal walking-tanks. I care about the characters and their situations. I don't want to see him pull something stupid at the very last minute in a silly attempt to tie together all the loose strings (or maybe in a greater attempt to sever fans' loyalties to the franchise).

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:20 pm
by Marc
E3 as a whole really underwhelmed me. There are some games I'm looking forward to, sure, but it feels like the conference has been neutered. I've said before I feel more and more companies will use their own events to reveal games from now on, and E3 may eventually die out. The heads of the three console makers seemed to feel the same way, especially with the Internet these days.