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kojima's career?

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:29 pm
by gamedeveloper08
what is his career? the name? plz? is he a game desinger? game programmer? do u know?

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 5:18 pm
by Snake Plissken
................................. um k, hes like this dude named Hideo Kojima, was born August 24th, 1963 in Setagaya, Toyko.

later moving to Kobe and growing up there. His love of Americana gave him his major two interests of writing and creating film, which are the causes of why he is so well known today. During the mid 1980's, his interests pushed him to pursue looking for a career in film making, but a chance discovery of Nintendo's Entertainment System gave him an interest in videogames. Searching for a job at one of the many games companies in Japan, he ended up being hired by Konami Entertainment and shunted to work on the MSX home computer department. While this may have been a blow for the willing game planner, he took the opportunity to create a handful of games for the MSX such as Metal Gear (1987) (VG) and _Snatcher (1993)_ . During the early 1990's Kojima worked on various games which have become instant classics such as various other versions of Snatcher, and Policenauts for the PC, 3D0, Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation, along with some various other work with two Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series games in 1997 and 1998. However he had some plans for another sequal to Metal Gear which he had been quietly working away on with a few others since working on Policenauts. First shown at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), _Metal Gear Solid (1998/I) (VG)_ looked to being a major hit with many people. With each subsequent showing of the game due for release on PlayStation during 1998 caused more interest. To date Metal Gear Solid has sold over 5.5 Million copies and Kojima is widly recognised as a videogaming god, more so than the few who ever saw his previous work. Kojima himself is a very humble man, never letting his work effect his public attitude. He works long hours to strive for his goals, and always takes the time to talk to the press, sign autographs, or stay for an entire gaming show. He is always interested in the views his fans have of his work, and believes in anyone being able to create their dreams. With _Zone of the Enders (2001) (VG)_ and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2001) (VG), one of the most anticipated games ever, the world looks set to see more of Hideo's dreams come to life.

His games often revolve around nuclear weapons and genetic manipulations.

His games frequently feature characters that are influenced from famous Hollywood movie characters. For example, Solid Snake from Metal Gear is based on the character Snake Plisken from Escape from New York, Gillian Seed from Snatcher looks similar to Rick Deckard from Blade Runner and Jonathan Ingram and ED Brown from Policenauts look like Riggs and Murtaugh from the Lethal Weapon series.

this is the internet movie database bio I wrote for him a long time back
:wink: Hope it helps your discovery of a legend :wink:

Whats he like in person? He is nice, pleasent and calm. He is the most neatest guy in the world :D He'll spend a whole day signing all your metal gear stuff, even if its for your cousin too :D I wanna shake his hand once more if I can get into E3 again.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 7:48 am
by Jonathan Ingram
He's the Vice-President of Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (I'm pretty sure that's the correct title) but when he's not doing that he's a Game Designer, Writer, Producer, and Planner. It's hard to pin it down to one thing. I don't think he's involved in the 'hands on' programming or anything though, if that's what you're wondering.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 6:11 pm
by Johnny Undaunted
Is it me or do I smell a joke account?

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:51 pm
by Warrior Bob
Jonathan Ingram wrote:I don't think he's involved in the 'hands on' programming or anything though, if that's what you're wondering.
I'm hardly an expert on the subject (especially around here :D) but I believe his involvement with game design is at a relatively high level. That's high level like 'high level computer code.' From what I've heard he suggests ideas and spends most of his time giving the go-ahead for elements to be added to his games. Either he or the programmers will come up with an idea, and then they will discuss it, with Kojima giving the final word as to whether or not the idea fits in with the vision of the project.

I'm not sure where I read this, I believe it was an interview of some sort.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 10:47 am
by ReasonWhyNot
Johnny Undaunted wrote:Is it me or do I smell a joke account?
It's you.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 10:49 pm
by Johnny Undaunted
ReasonWhyNot wrote:
Johnny Undaunted wrote:Is it me or do I smell a joke account?
It's you.
Don't be so damn gullible! I mean come on! There's plenty of biographic info regarding Kojima around the net. I don't see why this one person has to single this place out, especially when the site itself already pretty much answer the question.

And he's speaking in noob speak too. Hardly anyone who would call themselves a "gamedeveloper" would do such a thing.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 4:18 am
by Snake Plissken
this guy is clean in terms of "double accounts." Personally I think he is a person from Ninja Kuroasi's school. He made a video game special, and then it ran on all the school's TV's. And this site was mentioned, credited, and put out very well. I guess we got a person just curious about what he saw on the report , thats probly a rookie aspiring developer that is in the dark. Yet again though, that was noob talk heheheheeheheh :wink:

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:26 am
by Ninja Kurosai


(Kidding, ofcourse :) )

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 6:46 pm
by ReasonWhyNot
Johnny Undaunted wrote:Don't be so damn gullible! I mean come on! There's plenty of biographic info regarding Kojima around the net. I don't see why this one person has to single this place out, especially when the site itself already pretty much answer the question.

And he's speaking in noob speak too. Hardly anyone who would call themselves a "gamedeveloper" would do such a thing.
Don't make false accusations out of a person's ignorance. And not every noob is a troll for that matter. Take me for instance.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:28 pm
by Johnny Undaunted
I stand corrected then. Just don't blame me later if there's a sudden flood of noobs asking stupid questions around.