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Goichi Suda: Project S is "Definitely Happening"

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:57 pm
by Henry Spencer
Straight from the latest gamesTM interview with Goichi Suda, he is pressed on what is happening with Project 'S' and this is what he says:

"GamesTM: You're also supposed to be working with Hideo Kojima on Project S. What can you tell us about that?

Goichi Suda: Again it's definitely happening, but I can't say anything more. You'd have to ask Konami about that. I wish I could tell you more. I'm so sorry."

So my fears that the project has been forgotten about has disappeared, thankfully. I hope some sort of announcement is made about it soon.

Re: Goichi Suda: Project S is "Definitely Happening"

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:22 pm
by Dick Motorman
can't wait to see what they come up with, thanks for the update.

Re: Goichi Suda: Project S is "Definitely Happening"

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:28 pm
by Junker Gear Snatcher
Yeah, thanks for the update!

Whatever it is, I'm sure Project S will be good.

But yeah, the Project S(uspense) is killing me.

Re: Goichi Suda: Project S is "Definitely Happening"

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:23 pm
by Commander_AK-47
Woot, can't wait.

Re: Goichi Suda: Project S is "Definitely Happening"

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 4:50 pm
by el_ash
My only fear about a NEW "Snatcher" project is that they will find out I'm remaking the "original" game in 3D, and shut my ass down.... :-s

eventhough I've gotten no reply about using their "Snatcher" "IP" for my MOD, they haven't said "yes"....
I've e-mailed Ryan (from ryan's blog), the Kojima Productions site, and Konami...but no answer so far (it's been 8 months since i mailed them about doing the CryEngine2 version).

Other than that....

After playing MOST of MGS4 (at the end of Act 4 so far), I can't F*CKING WAIT to see what they do with the series now!'s going to be amazing! \:D/ ..and hopefully they get the "willing" jeff and lucy (gillian and metal) to do the voice acting again?

Re: Goichi Suda: Project S is "Definitely Happening"

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:54 pm
by Newtype
Remaking Snatcher would be such a bad idea. The anime aspect of it is one of the things that makes it charming. 3D would ruin it. A sequel game + a port of the original snatcher on the same game, that would be ideal, just like MGS3 Subsistence with MG1 and MG2 ^_^

Re: Goichi Suda: Project S is "Definitely Happening"

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:54 pm
by Letiumtide
Though I'm sure it has it's charm (and no offense, really), I honestly can't imagine playing Snatcher in 3D, it would just look and feel wrong, and about the only way I think it would feel right is it it maintained it's anime look, ergo I'd imagine it being a very nice cellshaded game vs. hideous 3D game. The way Snatcher was made suited it perfectly, 3D would remove a lot from the game that made it enjoyable.


Haha, NewType said the same thing I did, I didn't even read the whole thread to see if somebody else said the same thing. Go Canada! (also Canadian).

Yeah, I would really like to see Gillian in Russia, my imagination was that it was always a snatcher nest.

Re: Goichi Suda: Project S is "Definitely Happening"

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 2:11 am
by The Prince II
Great news. Can wait.

Re: Goichi Suda: Project S is "Definitely Happening"

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:39 pm
by el_ash
oh don't worry...i plan on retaining the anime / cell shaded look if it's possible (cell shading eats alot of system reasources though). because i also can't see it being realistic 3D.

and from what playtests I've been doing, the game still works great in 3D.

but let me know when i release it...

most likely Kojima is going to do the same kind of thing for a remake or new game though (3D), since that's been his thing, and suda's. and I've seen other games like "jet grind raido" etc. pull of the anime thing in 3D....just hope it's not a remake, hopoefully prject S is the prequel or a sequel with gillian in an apocolyptic russia hunting down the snatcher factory mentioned.

Re: Goichi Suda: Project S is "Definitely Happening"

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:40 am
by Lonheartda60
R any of Suda51's earlier games translated?

Re: Goichi Suda: Project S is "Definitely Happening"

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:54 pm
by 87th
Lonheartda60 wrote:R any of Suda51's earlier games translated?
"Flower, Sun & Rain" is coming out soon on DS (the original was on the PS2) in Europe and America. "The Silver Case" alongside the spin-offs that were made for mobile phones are also being ported to DS. Some of Grasshopper Manufacture's other titles (killer7, Michigan, Samurai Champloo, No More Heroes, Contact) are available in English, though his involvement with those games are varied. I don't expect his early games with Human Entertainment will ever be re-released, though.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:51 pm
by JonnyTanna
I found the links to the interview with Suda51 on Hidechan radio. All we need now is someone to write a transcript.

Radio Show 1 Jan 2007
-------------------------------- ... 02138.html ... ear_02.mp3

Radio Show 14 March 2007
-------------------------------------- ... 02174.html ... uk_002.mp3

I also wish someone could translate his fire pro wrestling games and Moonlight Syndrome. Can't wait for the Silver Case series to appear in English on the DS.

Project S

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:24 am
by JonnyTanna
Forgive me if this is old news, but there is a small update on this. ... uda_tieup/

Apparently progress is at 1%!

That's better than nothing right?

Re: Project S

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:33 pm
by el_ash
JonnyTanna wrote:Forgive me if this is old news, but there is a small update on this. ... uda_tieup/

Apparently progress is at 1%!

That's better than nothing right?
Great news!
They work slower than I do lol!

Re: Goichi Suda: Project S is "Definitely Happening"

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:05 am
by Solidé
Wow. i thought this project has been dead already since no other news has been released for almost 2 years :D
Nice to see they are still working with it.