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Okay So help me out here...

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 7:26 pm
by Lonheartda60
Ocelot is a la-li-lu-le-lo
Liquid said that in MGS2 he got control of Ocelots body so that he could find out more about the <B>Patriots</B>, and the the whole ordeal about Ocelot helping out Solidus from MGS1 and MGS2. But my question is..."who was honestly using who?"

Ocelot is a la-li-lu-le-lo and he always admired Big Boss and he wants his body for...who knows what, then he knows that Zero controls the information and location behind Big Boss' body, so that means that Ocelot knows because he's a La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo right? or no? (I personally say no already)
But what would Liquids arm help him with? Won't that just put liquid closer to the "spoiler" which wouldn't help Ocelot? Or did he not know that he was going to be taken over like that? Or DID he?

...if that confused u...welcome to my world.

Re: Okay So help me out here...

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:29 am
by The Hero
The way I figure, Liquid never REALLY controlled Ocelot to begin with. Ocelot just came up with that idea as a way to fool the <B>Patriots</B> system. Sure, in MGS2 it seemed like Liquid really DID controll Liquid, and he probably was, but that was imo retconned in MGS4. Anyways, that's what I choose to believe, not just because it makes for a slightly more beliveable story, but also for my own sanity. If I dwell too much into it, I'd probably go crazy! :P

Re: Okay So help me out here...

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:39 am
by Lonheartda60
thats a pretty interesting point. ok so also is it just me, or have they never mentioned Holly White and even the whole OILIX idea since MG2? Its like it never happened to a certain degree, they mention things like Gray Fox and Big Boss, (oh and Master...) but never Holly

Re: Okay So help me out here...

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:29 pm
by The Hero
Nope. No mention of Holly White, or any of the other characters, besides Campbell, Big Boss, Gray Fox, Master Miller and Snake. And I'm guessing that the whole Oilix thing didn't fit well with the stories in the Solid games, so they just dropped it, and made it look like Big Boss was "just" trying to create Outer Heaven. As for Holly White, I'm guessing she is still waiting somewhere for Snake to take her out to christmas dinner... :P

Re: Okay So help me out here...

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:49 pm
by 87th
I think with MGS, Kojima was essentially creating a whole new series, while using some major plot points from the MSX games. In my opinion, you're better off to see the games as being as unrelated as any other two Kojima series, seeing any plot connections as simple references. It's easier to enjoy the games that way, since MetalGear, MetalGear 2: Solid Snake, and MetalGear Solid all work very well as stand-alone titles.

Re: Okay So help me out here...

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:36 am
by A.G.
All the facts are right here: ... hread=4441

Hope that helps.

Re: Okay So help me out here...

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:20 am
by midori_fox
la-li-lu-le-lo is a another word for the <B>Patriots</B>. Their nano machines don't let them say <B>Patriots</B> so instead they say la-li-lu-le-lo. Ocelot is not a la-li-lu-le-lo fool!