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• Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:25 pm
by adamjgon
j/c, i would really like to play this on my ps3. i've been looking into yellow dog linxu.

here is the yellow dog linux forum:

seems like this is impossible though. ;(

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:05 pm
by slowbeef
Here's the deal. I've heard - but not confirmed - you can mod your PS3 to make the swap method work so you can play PS2 backups. I don't think it'll work for PS1.

You can play the Japanese one with PSN network, but the thing is, they locked that down really tight with DRM, so I don't think it's possible to apply the patch to it. It's possible some industrious jerk out there will figure it out, but I have no idea how.

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:48 am
by adamjgon
i've been looking into Yellow Dog Linux as an operating system for my ps3. for arguments sake, let's say i'm downloading a policenauts iso. i'm trying to figure out how i would be able to burn that on a dvd & somehow mount it on my ps3. if you have linux, the software is already installed to mount iso's. so, if i'm able to do that, how would i be able to patch the iso on ps3?

i think linux holds the key. i'll keep chipping away @ this problem. i wonder if you can upload iso's directly to the ps3, then mount it. errr, this is making my head hurt trying to figure this out. - a.j.g

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:31 am
Well you can patch it on your pc, then copy it to your ps3 Linux.
But the Linux OS for the PS3 has no 3d support, so you can´t play games with it (another part of Sony´s campain against piracy). As far as I know they´ve blocked that specific part from being accessed.
DId something change? can you now use 3d apps with linux?

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:02 am
by slowbeef
adamjgon wrote:i'm trying to figure out how i would be able to burn that on a dvd & somehow mount it on my ps3. if you have linux, the software is already installed to mount iso's. so, if i'm able to do that, how would i be able to patch the iso on ps3?
edit: I misread this entirely, actually.

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:32 am
by Westlake Lurker
I put YDL 6.1 on my PS3 for this very reason, but from what i can tell it's a pipe dream. Sony blocked access to the graphics accelerator, and I believe PS3 only has 256mb of RAM. Even the more graphically intensive SNES games are choppy. However, if there is an answer it's probablly here billb will answer any questions you have. Good luck, and let us know if you figure anything out!

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:54 am
by adamjgon
Westlake Lurker wrote:Sorry for double post there was some sort of internal server error then BAM!! redunduncy.
thanx. ... 34&start=0

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:19 pm
by The Spoony Hou
I'd guess it's impossible untill someone hacks the PS3. You have better luck trying a PSX emulator for the Linux.

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:01 pm
by Artemio
And piracy is frowned upon here as well =) so please try and buy a legit copy of the game instead of downloading it.

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:24 pm
by adamjgon
Artemio wrote:And piracy is frowned upon here as well =) so please try and buy a legit copy of the game instead of downloading it.
o yeah, i'm looking for a legit copy on ebay. i thought you had to buy the game, then somehow burn it w/ the patch in order to play. you don't have to do it that way to play it? this is just a theoretical conversation; i wouldn't even know how to find an iso of policenauts, just curious how one would play policenauts on the ps3, since that would be the greatest thing ever. - a.j.g

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:46 pm
by adamjgon
What about this? you set up a japanese psn account [], then you find Policenauts and purchase it, then you somehow place the patch on your ps3 (i'm guessing you have to have yellow dog linux set-up). can you send the patch to your ps3 and play policenauts that way? - a.j.g

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:04 pm
by Artemio
slowbeef already answered this for you above....

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:11 pm
by adamjgon
Artemio wrote:slowbeef already answered this for you above....
o yeah, crap, sorry.

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:34 pm
by slowbeef
Yeah I edited it out before, but the idea is:

- The patch makes an ISO. The idea is you take your copy of Policenauts, make an ISO out of it, apply the patch and you get a new patched ISO.

So here's the deal. Anything that can play an ISO can play the patch. For example, if you convert your ISO to an EBOOT, you can play that ISO on your PSP, right? Well, then, you can play English Policenauts on your PSP, like I did.

Will Yellow Dog Linux play ISOs on a PS3? Can you do it off the DVD drive? I really don't know and it's something I'm not likely to say yes to because:

- I'm not willing to modify my PS3 to try
- I don't want to confirm things I haven't personally verified or can be reasonably sure was personally verified by someone else

In general, if you can make a backup of your legit copy of Policenauts and play the backup, you can play the patch on the same platform.

Does that make sense? Console mods aren't really my strong point, so it's hard for me to speak to it.

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:37 pm
by slowbeef
Also the reason I'm skeptical of "buy PSN policenauts, apply patch" is because of the DRM issue. What I mean is that Sony encrypts a lot of the stuff you can download from PSN, so I'm simply honestly not sure if it's possible to patch or modify something you buy off of PSN.

The safest bet - and I know because I did this personally - is to buy a hard copy of Policenauts from a reseller and do it that way.

If you want to support Konami and buy PSN Policenauts, I think that's a completely fine and decent thing to do to show your support. I cannot guarantee that you will be able to apply the patch to that specific version of Policenauts, that's all I'm saying.

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:02 pm
by adamjgon
Re: Policenauts English Translation Patch to come out!
Well, it ain't going to happen [Policenauts on ps3].

You will not be able to get the translation patch to work on the GameOS side without massively hacking the hypervisor and I do not see that happening any time soon.

You will not be able to get the translation patch to work on Linux without 2D and 3D acceleration, which we currently do not have. No PSX game will run on it.

My suggestion is to just use a PC for the meantime. - zerojay

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:16 pm
by Surfaced
Hi friends, I have some experience in the PS3 hacking scene, so I can tell you straight up, right now:

Patching the PSN version of Policenauts is not do-able in any easy way.

First, when it's downloaded and sitting on your hard drive waiting to be installed, it's in a bizarre .pkg format which some guys are still working on fully-decrypting. Which brings us to the next major problem:

Even after installing/unpacking the game on your PS3 system, it is not an ISO or any familiar format. It's yet another file which would have to be decrypted, and by the way, decrypting stuff off the PS3 hard drive is an immense hassle. The games will be on a hypervisored, encrypted UFS2+ partition which requires some distro of Linux to properly read. Ubuntu 8 works fine for that. Getting it on your Linux PC involves connecting the SATA drive and creating an image of the contents. Then you need a hex editor to do the aforementioned decrypting (we think it's some type of AES variation, and can't be brute-forced by the way) and even after that, I adamantly doubt the product will be anything patchable.

The one reason I say this isn't entirely impossible is because we know the PSN version is playable on PSP. That means it's an EBOOT, at least when on the PSP. I have some experience with making EBOOTs but admittedly, I don't know how to un-make one. So then we're counting on finding some kind of usable code in there, and then having it be compatible with the Win32 batch file which is being used to patch people's disc images. And that, I must say, is one that I would NOT count on. Oh, and if you want to play this on your PS3, we'd now backtrack and re-encrypt the patched game and everything into an image that the PS3 will accept. I should mention how infrequently such things have actually worked.

So yeah, in short, it's not possible. Definitely not now. Certainly not for the next few years.

If you want to play it on a console, you could use a modified PS1/PS2. I believe there are PS1 emulators for the Xbox also, but don't quote me on that.

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:32 pm
by infinityBCRT
slowbeef wrote:Here's the deal. I've heard - but not confirmed - you can mod your PS3 to make the swap method work so you can play PS2 backups. I don't think it'll work for PS1.

You can play the Japanese one with PSN network, but the thing is, they locked that down really tight with DRM, so I don't think it's possible to apply the patch to it. It's possible some industrious jerk out there will figure it out, but I have no idea how.
PSX emulation on PS3 is done via software so its probably impossible to hack it.

Re: • Theorectically: Patched Policenauts ISO on PS3 Possible? •

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:56 am
by NASAchusetts
By far the cheapest easiest way to play on your TV is through a modded PS1. You can find a PS1 on eBay usualy around $20-30 and a modchip for around $10-15. I am not very skilled at soldering and still managed to solder a chip in relatively easy. Of course there is always swap discs for the PS1 and PS2 that requires no soldering skills whatsoever. In the end, it is worth it to play on actual hardware instead of going the emulation route always. Another thing is that you cannot always rely on being able to play because these days consoles are constantly receiving updates through the internet which "fix" known modification hacks. I found out this with the homebrew channel on the Wii after I puchased Rockband 2, it forced me to download an update which erased it.