New Here ;-) Have Alot Of Questions About This Game

A forum for discusion, suggestions and information on any Snatcher-related material. Music, games, versions, differences and references.

Also the space for feedback regarding the Snatcher Music Arrangements section by MrRudi.
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New Here ;-) Have Alot Of Questions About This Game

Post by TiripsRoirraw »

Hey everyone ;-) I just stumbled across this forum a few weeks ago & finally made a account on here. I discovered " Snatcher " a few years ago but never looked at the gameplay until a few months ago. How I found the game was through a random youtube search ( I think I was searching Video Game scary moments / JumpScares in old games ) and Snatcher popped up with Jean Jack's body as the thumbnail. I swear that picture had me shook for a few weeks lol.

I don't own the game ( It's crazy expensive on Ebay ) I don't know anything about installing a emulator ( sigh ) I've looked at the playthrough about 5 times that I noticed some plot holes, or things I feel that wasn't discussed enough. Ok here's the set of questions I have. ( Sidenote I looked at SD Snatcher for the first time briefly, it seems like some of the storylines in that game were more detailed as what I've seen so far )

1. Jean Jack's Death - When he called Gibson for back up at the warehouse, did he know that the " Lisa " Snatcher was there too ? I have a feeling since Cunningham was a Snatcher when Gillian arrived, that maybe ( Cunningham ) informed Lisa / Freddy that Gibson was onto them. If Gibson knew that Lisa was there too ( maybe he didn't know at the time Lisa was a snatcher ) why would he follow them into a abandoned warehouse alone when the other Junkers were killed in action. I think in SD Snatcher, Gibson & Seed are in the factory together but split up in the process of searching through the warehouse ?

I know when Gillian arrives at the Warehouse, and you hear Gibson screaming, I wonder what took place before hand, did Freddy reveal himself as a Snatcher, and Lisa jumped out of no where to attack ( Since Lisa has a face wound caused by Gibson defending himself ) Was Gibson's head twisted off by Freddy ? Remember when Gillian returned to the bathroom at Lisa's place after killer the Lisa Snatcher & Freddy surprised attacked him , put him hold as if he was about to twist his head off like Gibson ? Since Cunningham was a snatcher I wouldn't be surprised if the explosives set at the factory after Gillian discovered Gibson were set to explode and kill Gillian, Metal Gear.

2. Cunningham Snatcher - Since Cunningham was a snatcher when Gillian arrived, why didn't Cunningham leave any traces of Snow 9. I'm surprised that Gibson / Harry wasn't able to pick up on that. I remember when Cunningham asked if Gillian remembers anything from his past, and if Gillian came to his senses, the game wouldve ended lol

3. Which Snatcher killed Alice the dog ? - Why was Alice killed in that manner, were the snatchers trying to find something inside of Alice ? I wonder which Snatcher it was that did it. ( Also what happens when you tell Katrina that Alice has been killed, I haven't seen a playthrough online where a player picks the option to tell Katrina, I'm kinda shocked that Katrina didn't try to grab Alice instead of leaving her there by herself, well I guess I would've panicked too if I was in that situation )

4. Back to Jean Jack at the Warehouse - I'm going to assume that when Jean Jack called for help using little John's videophone ?, If you look at the background where Jean Jack was killed, it seems that Little John wasn't destroyed, but when you go to the warehouse to find Little John, he's far away from Gibson. Was Little John destroyed first, and Gibson went after Freddy to attack ?

5. Harry's injuries - I know when you return back to Junker HQ and discover Harry fatally wounded, laying on the floor. Was he shot by the blasters that Snatchers use ( Cunningham ) , I know there are holes in the glass that looks like gunshots. Did Harry have a gun with him ?

You know what this game reminds me up, the whole plot twist when you discover the person that was supposed to be your ally, is really your enemy. Metal Gear Solid ( 1st game ) when Snake is talking to Master Miller almost the entire game before someone notifies him that the real master miller was found dead, and it was really Liquid Snake, his nemesis ( Yes I know Hideo created Snatcher / MGS ).

I'm working on a video documentary on how another game is extremely similar to this game. It should be up in a few months, I'll say right when Fall hits. I have alot to work on. Btw I wasn't sure if Snatcher had a community on Facebook, so I ended up making one ( the JJG stands for Jean Jack Gibson, since he's my favorite. Does anyone else think JJG kinda looks like Wolverwine / Logan .... especially in the Sdatcher artwork ? I think it's the hair / sideburns )

Here's a video I made of the ending theme , I lowered the pitch to make it sound deeper.

Hope everyone is doing great, If I have anymore questions that I'm sure will come to mind that I forgot to write here, I'll come back to ask here lol
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Re: New Here ;-) Have Alot Of Questions About This Game

Post by TiripsRoirraw »

I just got back from looking at another playthrough to see if I could remember anything else I forgot to ask ( and I did )

The last scenes before the church blows up, Is there a reason why Elijah Modnar legs / feet are replaced with wires ?

I guess the whole " ripping off the head " thing was a " Snatcher " move or something because when Random ran up and grabbed Elijah to make sure he didn't get away, he told the snatchers who were about to capture " Metal Gear " to hold off or " the old man's head was going to come off " .

( Correct me if I'm wrong ) but I thought that was kinda cool with Random breaking the 4th wall right after telling Metal he was sorry for getting involved, he looks directly at ya and says " You did great, you're a hell of a junker, later kid !! "

I really wish this game had a part 2 to play.
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Re: New Here ;-) Have Alot Of Questions About This Game

Post by Hunka Junka »

Hiya TiripsRoirraw, I'm new here, too. Honestly a lot of your questions never even occurred to me, mostly because they're so open-ended (they could have any number of possible explanations/ reasons) but I think also because even though it's a pretty linear game, playing it is still a different experience than watching it. When you're actually involved in it you're more likely to be focused on what you're dealing with in the moment and not so much trying to approach the story from a more omniscient point of view.

(This is actually really interesting to think about. When you get right down to it the game is mostly a series of cut scenes broken down into a great many different menu prompts, but somehow it really does produce the feeling of involvement and you don't feel like you're simply watching it unfold, even though literally the amount of input you have is pretty minimal. Neat stuff!)
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Re: New Here ;-) Have Alot Of Questions About This Game

Post by Hunka Junka »

That all said in my prior post, I'll take a crack at some of your questions! :mrgreen:
TiripsRoirraw wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 7:26 pm 1. Jean Jack's Death - When he called Gibson for back up at the warehouse, did he know that the " Lisa " Snatcher was there too ?
I'm guessing no. If we hadn't seen two snatchers with our own eyes, I'm not sure we'd have any idea ourselves there was a second snatcher in cahoots with Freddy, so it's likely that Jean didn't, either. And I think it's fair to say Jean likely wouldn't have gone into the warehouse alone if he had any idea he'd be double-teamed.
2. Cunningham Snatcher - Since Cunningham was a snatcher when Gillian arrived, why didn't Cunningham leave any traces of Snow 9.
I forget, but my impression was that the snatchers released snow-9 through a conscious process, and as such they wouldn't necessarily leave any traces if they just never used it. But even if I'm wrong about that, I'm sure the Chief would've been modified considering he was right there at Junker HQ where they would know more than anyone how to spot a snatcher.
3. Which Snatcher killed Alice the dog ? - Why was Alice killed in that manner, were the snatchers trying to find something inside of Alice ? I wonder which Snatcher it was that did it. ( Also what happens when you tell Katrina that Alice has been killed, I haven't seen a playthrough online where a player picks the option to tell Katrina, I'm kinda shocked that Katrina didn't try to grab Alice instead of leaving her there by herself, well I guess I would've panicked too if I was in that situation )
No clue which snatcher killed Alice, it could've been any of them, really. My impression is that snatchers really are just that vicious and have no qualms about just tearing apart a person or animal with their bare hands. I also think what probably happened was that Alice was attacked first and Katrina fled in horror after either witnessing it herself or discovering that her dog had gone missing and saw her collar laying on the ground.

If I remember right, if you choose the "tell Katrina" option, you don't have the heart to break it to her just then and don't go through with it (it's possible I'm mixing this up with another part of the game, though).
4. Back to Jean Jack at the Warehouse - I'm going to assume that when Jean Jack called for help using little John's videophone ?, If you look at the background where Jean Jack was killed, it seems that Little John wasn't destroyed, but when you go to the warehouse to find Little John, he's far away from Gibson. Was Little John destroyed first, and Gibson went after Freddy to attack ?
I think it's fair to say Little John was put out of commission first (easier to defeat Jean without him able to call for more help). Either Jean ran after the snatcher(s) or he fled further into the warehouse (possibly because the second snatcher blocked the entrance?).
5. Harry's injuries - I know when you return back to Junker HQ and discover Harry fatally wounded, laying on the floor. Was he shot by the blasters that Snatchers use ( Cunningham ) , I know there are holes in the glass that looks like gunshots. Did Harry have a gun with him ?
If I remember right at some point if you keep examining him it describes Harry's injuries as him having been shot or hit by blaster fire (again, just going by memory). The holes in the windows always gave me the impression that there was a fire fight; it wouldn't surprise me at all if Harry kept his own weapon someplace or managed to find one somewhere in HQ.
The last scenes before the church blows up, Is there a reason why Elijah Modnar legs / feet are replaced with wires ?
I'm guessing the wires were a form of life support. As for why they seemed to have replaced his feet, I suppose parts of his lower half either wasted away to atrophy or were otherwise damaged somehow; another possibility is that since he wasn't going anywhere anyway, the wires going through his lower body made it made it so he could at least maintain the appearance of his upper body and sense of normality rather than having wires all over. (to be honest, I suspect the wires are there because it makes for a striking visual that can be concealed and revealed just by where the view is).
I guess the whole " ripping off the head " thing was a " Snatcher " move or something because when Random ran up and grabbed Elijah to make sure he didn't get away, he told the snatchers who were about to capture " Metal Gear " to hold off or " the old man's head was going to come off" .
If you had the strength for it, tearing off someone's head would probably be the quickest, most efficient, and most certain way of killing them, so I can imagine it becoming a signature move for a snatcher even if just out of convenience.
( Correct me if I'm wrong ) but I thought that was kinda cool with Random breaking the 4th wall right after telling Metal he was sorry for getting involved, he looks directly at ya and says " You did great, you're a hell of a junker, later kid !! "
I can't remember this exactly, but I imagine I probably just figured he was looking at and talking to Metal Gear or one of the other characters, and it was only coincidence or creator's license that the screen was looking through that character's POV (that might still count as breaking the fourth wall, but it'd be the game itself doing it rather than the character doing it consciously).
Does anyone else think JJG kinda looks like Wolverwine / Logan .... especially in the Sdatcher artwork ? I think it's the hair / sideburns )
Just going by his appearance in-game, Jean always struck me a little old and out of shape (not that you ever got a good look, it was just my impression) to remind me of Wolverine, but I haven't seen much artwork of him. Personally he always reminded me of Jack Nicholson, lol.
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Re: New Here ;-) Have Alot Of Questions About This Game

Post by Hunka Junka »

TiripsRoirraw wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 7:26 pm I don't own the game ( It's crazy expensive on Ebay ) I don't know anything about installing a emulator ( sigh )
Has this changed at all in the months since you posted? Give it a shot, I say! Emulation can be a hassle but it's not as complicated or time consuming as it seems at first, and it's very rewarding once you get it up and running. Also it'd be a shame if you never actually got to play one of your favorite games! :)
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Re: New Here ;-) Have Alot Of Questions About This Game

Post by TiripsRoirraw »

Hunka Junka wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 9:54 am That all said in my prior post, I'll take a crack at some of your questions! :mrgreen:
TiripsRoirraw wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 7:26 pm 1. Jean Jack's Death - When he called Gibson for back up at the warehouse, did he know that the " Lisa " Snatcher was there too ?
I'm guessing no. If we hadn't seen two snatchers with our own eyes, I'm not sure we'd have any idea ourselves there was a second snatcher in cahoots with Freddy, so it's likely that Jean didn't, either. And I think it's fair to say Jean likely wouldn't have gone into the warehouse alone if he had any idea he'd be double-teamed.
2. Cunningham Snatcher - Since Cunningham was a snatcher when Gillian arrived, why didn't Cunningham leave any traces of Snow 9.
I forget, but my impression was that the snatchers released snow-9 through a conscious process, and as such they wouldn't necessarily leave any traces if they just never used it. But even if I'm wrong about that, I'm sure the Chief would've been modified considering he was right there at Junker HQ where they would know more than anyone how to spot a snatcher.
3. Which Snatcher killed Alice the dog ? - Why was Alice killed in that manner, were the snatchers trying to find something inside of Alice ? I wonder which Snatcher it was that did it. ( Also what happens when you tell Katrina that Alice has been killed, I haven't seen a playthrough online where a player picks the option to tell Katrina, I'm kinda shocked that Katrina didn't try to grab Alice instead of leaving her there by herself, well I guess I would've panicked too if I was in that situation )
No clue which snatcher killed Alice, it could've been any of them, really. My impression is that snatchers really are just that vicious and have no qualms about just tearing apart a person or animal with their bare hands. I also think what probably happened was that Alice was attacked first and Katrina fled in horror after either witnessing it herself or discovering that her dog had gone missing and saw her collar laying on the ground.

If I remember right, if you choose the "tell Katrina" option, you don't have the heart to break it to her just then and don't go through with it (it's possible I'm mixing this up with another part of the game, though).
4. Back to Jean Jack at the Warehouse - I'm going to assume that when Jean Jack called for help using little John's videophone ?, If you look at the background where Jean Jack was killed, it seems that Little John wasn't destroyed, but when you go to the warehouse to find Little John, he's far away from Gibson. Was Little John destroyed first, and Gibson went after Freddy to attack ?
I think it's fair to say Little John was put out of commission first (easier to defeat Jean without him able to call for more help). Either Jean ran after the snatcher(s) or he fled further into the warehouse (possibly because the second snatcher blocked the entrance?).
5. Harry's injuries - I know when you return back to Junker HQ and discover Harry fatally wounded, laying on the floor. Was he shot by the blasters that Snatchers use ( Cunningham ) , I know there are holes in the glass that looks like gunshots. Did Harry have a gun with him ?
If I remember right at some point if you keep examining him it describes Harry's injuries as him having been shot or hit by blaster fire (again, just going by memory). The holes in the windows always gave me the impression that there was a fire fight; it wouldn't surprise me at all if Harry kept his own weapon someplace or managed to find one somewhere in HQ.
The last scenes before the church blows up, Is there a reason why Elijah Modnar legs / feet are replaced with wires ?
I'm guessing the wires were a form of life support. As for why they seemed to have replaced his feet, I suppose parts of his lower half either wasted away to atrophy or were otherwise damaged somehow; another possibility is that since he wasn't going anywhere anyway, the wires going through his lower body made it made it so he could at least maintain the appearance of his upper body and sense of normality rather than having wires all over. (to be honest, I suspect the wires are there because it makes for a striking visual that can be concealed and revealed just by where the view is).
I guess the whole " ripping off the head " thing was a " Snatcher " move or something because when Random ran up and grabbed Elijah to make sure he didn't get away, he told the snatchers who were about to capture " Metal Gear " to hold off or " the old man's head was going to come off" .
If you had the strength for it, tearing off someone's head would probably be the quickest, most efficient, and most certain way of killing them, so I can imagine it becoming a signature move for a snatcher even if just out of convenience.
( Correct me if I'm wrong ) but I thought that was kinda cool with Random breaking the 4th wall right after telling Metal he was sorry for getting involved, he looks directly at ya and says " You did great, you're a hell of a junker, later kid !! "
I can't remember this exactly, but I imagine I probably just figured he was looking at and talking to Metal Gear or one of the other characters, and it was only coincidence or creator's license that the screen was looking through that character's POV (that might still count as breaking the fourth wall, but it'd be the game itself doing it rather than the character doing it consciously).
Does anyone else think JJG kinda looks like Wolverwine / Logan .... especially in the Sdatcher artwork ? I think it's the hair / sideburns )
Just going by his appearance in-game, Jean always struck me a little old and out of shape (not that you ever got a good look, it was just my impression) to remind me of Wolverine, but I haven't seen much artwork of him. Personally he always reminded me of Jack Nicholson, lol.
Nice to see a response here LOL OMG you're right Jean Jack does look like Jack Nicholson. Cunningham looks like Sean Connery.
I'm thinking that maybe it was Doctor Chin Shu Oh, since he was a snatcher. More than likely the chief gave the Dr the address to the Gibson's residence.
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Re: New Here ;-) Have Alot Of Questions About This Game

Post by neojunker »

I have a few Snatcher questions (Mainly Katrina related)

1) Why is Katrina's hair blue in game, but all artwork of her depicts her as having Orange/Ginger hair ?

2) Do we ever see any of her modelling in game ? (It's been a while, so I can't remember)

3) Is it ever explicitly said that she is attending School ?

4) What happens to her between Gillian's Apartment and the end of the game ?
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Re: New Here ;-) Have Alot Of Questions About This Game

Post by SegaSky »

neojunker wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 11:09 am I have a few Snatcher questions (Mainly Katrina related)

1) Why is Katrina's hair blue in game, but all artwork of her depicts her as having Orange/Ginger hair ?

2) Do we ever see any of her modelling in game ? (It's been a while, so I can't remember)

3) Is it ever explicitly said that she is attending School ?

4) What happens to her between Gillian's Apartment and the end of the game ?
1. I think I remember reading that it was easier to give her blue hair due to technical limitations and they just kept it for future versions, but don't quote me on that.

2 & 3.In the English version she says she's in school but is on break for Christmas, and that she's canceled her modeling jobs for now. Her modeling work is never seen in-game.

4. What happens in between is anyone's guess but I'd hope she doesn't have to see what happened to her dog.
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Re: New Here ;-) Have Alot Of Questions About This Game

Post by neojunker »

Was Jean Gibson aware of Gillian joining JUNKER ? I assume that's why he asks for backup?

Why didn't Katrina directly call Gillian on the Videophone ? He gave her his number when they first met. And why did she leave Alice behind ?

What would have happened to the Snatcher's that were still in the City after the destruction of the main base and the death of Madnar ? Would the reformed JUNKER have hunted them down ?
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Re: New Here ;-) Have Alot Of Questions About This Game

Post by TiripsRoirraw »

neojunker wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:36 pm Was Jean Gibson aware of Gillian joining JUNKER ? I assume that's why he asks for backup?

Why didn't Katrina directly call Gillian on the Videophone ? He gave her his number when they first met. And why did she leave Alice behind ?

What would have happened to the Snatcher's that were still in the City after the destruction of the main base and the death of Madnar ? Would the reformed JUNKER have hunted them down ?
I think Jean did know about Gillian since the rest of the crew at Junker HQ (including the snatched chief) were expecting him.

I always thought it was weird that it took Mika a half hour to get in touch with Gillian to let him know that Katrina was trying to contact him. But that emergency call doesn't come in until you leave the vet hospital which didn't have any traces of snow 9 that would prevent any communications to metal gear.

Yeah, I think Katrina was scared and ran off. I wonder if that owner of the hospital was hiding in the bushes (kinda like the scene earlier in the game were Alice was barking at the bushes and a crow flew out). Her collar is in the same area where that scene took place. I'll assume she kept trying to call Alice and she wouldn't listen???

Maybe Katrina would've been attacked if she tried snatching up Alice and run out. (No pun intended)

But you would think after her parents being killed by snatchers and there's only one junker left (Gillian) that she would've kept Alice near her in the house
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Re: New Here ;-) Have Alot Of Questions About This Game

Post by TiripsRoirraw »

neojunker wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:36 pm

What would have happened to the Snatcher's that were still in the City after the destruction of the main base and the death of Madnar ? Would the reformed JUNKER have hunted them down ?
Either that or they were heavily damaged
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