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My "Metal Gear Solid" project (need help)

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 7:00 am
by Green_goblin
Hi guys, Green_goblin here, Spanish translator and romhacker with several projects on my résumé.

Let me introduce my new project:

As you may or may not know, Konami released this game half-translated into Spanish. While codec voices and texts were translated, all other texts where left in English. Also codec calls suffer from a bad proofreading and thus the texts need a full check.

The problem is, there is no RADIO.DAT editor to extract texts and reinsert them. I've looked everywhere, but the tool does not exist yet, we have to create one from scratch. I analyzed the files and I understand the pointers structure, but don't have the proper programming skills to write a extractor/reinserter. I even tried to use Chat GPT to program it, but I only have an extractor, not an reinserter.

So the question is, ¿will anyone here join my team and help me with this? I will give you full credits if this is ever done, of course.