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New Big Boss MGS game announced for PSP!

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 1:48 pm
by 87th ... ?newID=477
PSX Extreme wrote:The father of Metal Gear Solid, Hideo Kojima, has revealed in his most recent audio blog that a new Metal Gear Solid game is in the works for Sony's PSP handheld. This new MGS will be part of the official storyline and will NOT be a card-battle game like Metal Gear Acid. It'll be a third-person action game, just like the console MGS games are.

Kojima revealed a few key details about the game, which will apparently ship sometime in 2007 to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the first Metal Gear Solid.

Game Details

* Story takes place in 1970 and links to MGS3 and MGS4.
* Big Boss and Naked Snake are main characters.
* Third-person action game.
* Control multiple troops in battle (squad-based play).
* When ally soldiers die, they are gone for good.
* WiFi battle mode.
* Some sort of link option with Metal Gear Solid 4

Unfortunately, it looks like the game isn't far enough along for the company to present it during the Electronic Entertainment Expo next week, so we'll have to be patient for a few months until Konami reveals more info and unleashes the first screens of the game.
Naturally, I am very excited. Kojima is being far too nice to us all.

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 1:54 pm
by Cyan Garamonde
Well, gotta buy a PSP then.
Wonder if Kojima is involved in this game?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 2:53 pm
by Snake700

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 9:36 pm
by Skycladiana
Yes! More Big Boss!

Thank goodness I never bought a DS. Now I have a reason to get a PSP.

How involved is Kojima in the creation of this game? I assume that if it's part of the canon he's at least writing the scenario. Will he be doing any designing or directing?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 2:36 am
by Junker-2045
Wow! Kojima Productios are kicking even more ass... MGS4, Subsistence, Digital graphic novel and now this... w00t!

Re: New Big Boss MGS game announced for PSP!

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 5:05 am
by Crowley
PSX Extreme wrote: * Big Boss and Naked Snake are main characters.
Huh? I thought Big Boss = Naked Snake.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 5:36 am
by 87th
They are. I'm guessing the source didn't know. The character was probably refered to as both Naked Snake and Big Boss in the blog.
I wonder if Gray Fox is old enough to be in this game. If not, I'm not sure just how many characters from other MG games are going to be in this. Colonel Campbell is pretty likely. Maybe Ocelot, too.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 9:25 am
by Johnny Undaunted
87th wrote:They are. I'm guessing the source didn't know. The character was probably refered to as both Naked Snake and Big Boss in the blog.
I wonder if Gray Fox is old enough to be in this game. If not, I'm not sure just how many characters from other MG games are going to be in this. Colonel Campbell is pretty likely. Maybe Ocelot, too.
Fox was born during the Vietnam War, so he'll most likely appear in the game as a war orphan.

I know for sure that Para-Medic will be appearing (Houko Kuwashima confirmed she'll playing as her in the new game).

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 10:46 am
by Skycladiana
According to Wikipedia, it's set to be a squad-based action game, similar to Full Spectrum Warrior. Does this mean the player will be assuming the role of Big Boss as FOXHOUND commander, and not as a stealth operative?

Conceptually, it'd be interesting to be on the other side of the radio in a Metal Gear game, but I'd like to have more time controling Big Boss in the field. Perhaps he'll be the squad's leader and homebase operations will be commandered by the likes of Campbell?

Depending upon the time, Gray Fox may or may not be suitable for the game. I've read alternately that it takes place in 1970 or the decade of the 1970's. If it's 70, then Gray Fox won't be there, as MG2:SS states Big Boss found him after the end of the Vietnam War-- if I'm remembering wrong, somebody please correct me. If it's sometime during the 70's then Fox certainly can appear, as can whispers of the "Les Enfants Terrible" project, if it's post-72. Perhaps this game could involve Big Boss discovering the project and the existence of Solid, Liquid and Solidus. Haven't people speculated that Para-Medic might've been involved in their creation?

Ocelot-- God, I hope so. I've always felt he was probably involved in Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land in some way. Former OH member Vulcan Raven was admitted into Foxhound under Ocelot's strong reccomendation. MG includes a former Spetznaz operative who acts as OH's prison warden called Shotmaker/Shoot Gunner, a name close to "Shalashaska," which translates as "Prison." Ocelot could've set up a convincing cover-story or substitute to fool people to think he was in Russia during the time of OH and ZL. Ocelot seemed to have some familiarity with Gray Fox in MGS:TTT, even beyond the knowledge of GF's existence in Foxhound as the Ninja experiments. Also, as Liquid states that Big Boss chose him to carry out his work, we must either assumed that Big Boss contacted Liquid before his death or that one of his operatives did, possibly afterwards. Ocelot would seem a likely candidate for the job, and it would carry on his motif of manipulating the Snakes.

I don't know. This all just seems very interesting.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 11:49 am
by 87th
I'd expect that in the 70's FOXHOUND would only be a small special forces squad. I think Big Boss will be on the battlefield. I think more should be shown to backup the "Greatest Soldier of the 20th Century" title.

Re: New Big Boss MGS game announced for PSP!

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 8:54 pm
by hybridtheory
87th wrote:
Naturally, I am very excited. Kojima is being far too nice to us all.

Sounds like Squenix was doing with FF7, but I am sure it'd be better done then what Dirge was rated as.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:28 am
by Snake700
Anyone know about that Squre Enix might do a remake of FFVII?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 1:43 pm
by randomwab
Snake700 wrote:Anyone know about that Squre Enix might do a remake of FFVII?
They are, trust me, i don't have proof, i dont know if they will show it to us this E3 or next, but believe me when i say they are
hybridtheory wrote:
87th wrote: Naturally, I am very excited. Kojima is being far too nice to us all.
Sounds like Squenix was doing with FF7, but I am sure it'd be better done then what Dirge was rated as.
Dirge was a great game, most people who say otherwise are simply picky fuckwits who won't accept changes to a genre

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 5:22 pm
by Crowley
Reading all this got me thinking that a game where you play as Grey Fox would be interesting as well.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 2:40 pm
by 87th
I've been thinking that since Integral was announced.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 2:40 am
by Cyan Garamonde
OH, YEAH: ... rtable+OPS

It looks really cool. What's your opinions?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:21 am
by 87th
Hopefully this will be the grand title that stops people making lazy ports.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:54 am
by Crowley
Cyan Garamonde wrote:OH, YEAH: ... rtable+OPS

It looks really cool. What's your opinions?
*sigh* Why is Snake/Big Boss wearing a ridiculous skin-tight bodysuit that looks like it's straight out of some mecha anime? Nice to have Ocelot back. I hope he's working for the Soviets there, and not forced to be on the same side with BB for some reason. I'm this close to being oversaturated with the "all-knowing conspirator who's always a step ahead of everyone else" act. Come to think of it, it would be interesting to see him getting his bearings and learning to be the manipulator he later becomes.

I'm getting tired of Kojima's habit of sticking those ridiculous catchphrases into his trailers. Not a big fan of his fourth-wall breaking either.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 8:31 am
by OtakupunkX
Crowley wrote:Not a big fan of his fourth-wall breaking either.
Are you serious?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 1:49 pm
by Skycladiana
Crowley wrote:
Cyan Garamonde wrote:OH, YEAH: ... rtable+OPS

It looks really cool. What's your opinions?
*sigh* Why is Snake/Big Boss wearing a ridiculous skin-tight bodysuit that looks like it's straight out of some mecha anime? Nice to have Ocelot back. I hope he's working for the Soviets there, and not forced to be on the same side with BB for some reason. I'm this close to being oversaturated with the "all-knowing conspirator who's always a step ahead of everyone else" act. Come to think of it, it would be interesting to see him getting his bearings and learning to be the manipulator he later becomes.

I'm getting tired of Kojima's habit of sticking those ridiculous catchphrases into his trailers. Not a big fan of his fourth-wall breaking either.
(1) Big Boss is wearing the latest version of the Sneaking Suit, which is available to find as a USSR prototype in SE, which resembles a black version of The Boss' NASA-circa-Gemini/Mercury era looking outfit. In the game, Snake suggests it be made the official outfit of FOX unit. By 1970, it appears it has, with some mofifications.

(2) I can't tell from the Japanese voiceovers, but those comments towards the end of whether a country that betrays its soliders is worth defending seem directed towards Big Boss, as they have an accusatory edge, and only really Ocelot might be in a position to say such things to him. It appears they'll collaborate, and could signal that the <B>Patriots</B> had been manipulating Outer Heaven from the start. I find the suggestion interesting.

(3) Not a fan of his fourth-wall breaking? I can't imagine why, honestly. However, as the PSP is still early in its lifecycle and not entirely as established in its media, I find it unilikely Kojima will go to Psycho Mantis or "Fission Mailed" lengths of barrier charging. Maybe we'll get a "Mission abort! Turn of your PSP!" line, like from MG or SOL, but that seems like it'll be it, unless we get another supernaturally themed boss like The End.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 2:00 pm
by Missing
I might have misinterpreted what others have said, but from what I've heard, Kojima will finally be implementing his "No Continues" style of gameplay in Portable Ops. I believe Kojima said he really wants to impart the feeling that war is hell and once you die, you don't come back. Does anyone have confirmation of this? If it's the truth, I'm certainly excited. I just hope this feature gets carried over into MGS4 as well.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 7:45 pm
by 87th
I think that's talking about the Online mode. You can draw a white flag if you want to lose, but continue playing.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 3:20 am
by Crowley
Skycladiana wrote:(1) Big Boss is wearing the latest version of the Sneaking Suit, which is available to find as a USSR prototype in SE, which resembles a black version of The Boss' NASA-circa-Gemini/Mercury era looking outfit. In the game, Snake suggests it be made the official outfit of FOX unit. By 1970, it appears it has, with some mofifications.
What really gets me are the colored stripes and patterns which seem to serve no other function but to make it look all cool and futuristic. What Boss wore I had no such problem with. Solid Snake in the first MGS wore something I could honestly see a military operative wearing, as does Sam Fisher. For something similar in the real world see SAS uniforms.
(2) I can't tell from the Japanese voiceovers, but those comments towards the end of whether a country that betrays its soliders is worth defending seem directed towards Big Boss, as they have an accusatory edge, and only really Ocelot might be in a position to say such things to him. It appears they'll collaborate, and could signal that the <B><B>Patriots</B></B> had been manipulating Outer Heaven from the start. I find the suggestion interesting.
I hope so.
(3) Not a fan of his fourth-wall breaking? I can't imagine why, honestly.
Because it introduces unnecessary humor in a clumsy way, breaks the suspension of disbelief and drastically reduces immersion? Games are far from the point where the designers would have to intentionally include things that scream "This is just a gaaame! None of this is reaaal!"

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 7:48 am
by OtakupunkX
Crowley wrote:Because it introduces unnecessary humor in a clumsy way, breaks the suspension of disbelief and drastically reduces immersion? Games are far from the point where the designers would have to intentionally include things that scream "This is just a gaaame! None of this is reaaal!"
That's why it's brilliant. It is just a game. Too many people out there would like to think that it's not a game, but that's all it is, nothing more than something to entertain you during your free time and make you think about something you might not have thought about otherwise. It also shows that the game's not taking itself too seriously.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 2:01 pm
by Missing
The fourth-wall elements allows for an entirely new experience while playing the game. Would the Psycho Mantis fight be as memorable if you didn't have to switch controller ports or he didn't read your memory card? Would it be as fun searching for Meryl's Codec frequency in-game, as it was when you finally figured out to check the back of the CD case? Would the Colonel flipping out at the end of MGS2 be nearly as creepy if he didn't tell you to turn off your game console? I don't think so. I really don't consider these elements to be included for mere humor. They add more depth to the playing experience, because rather than just have the player interact with the game, the game interacts with the player on equal measure. Perhaps some of it can is just good for a laugh, like the Fission Mailed stuff, but I think it's really brilliant how Kojima keeps finding new ways to mess with the player outside the game as much he does in it.